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Financial news

Financial news

Financial news is a source of major importance in trading. Maybe, the most significant of all.

When watching financial news, you will be exposed to updates in the financial markets. You can understand which currencies, stocks, commodities or indices are performing well and which one aren’t. This might help you significantly when trading online.

When watching or reading financial news, you can always specifically check the assets you are trading. At LBC although we advise you to remain aware of everything that is going on in the markets. Professional traders at LBC mostly start their trading day with the financial news. They need to remain updated about the developments in the markets and search even multiple times a day for updates.

Political news

As a trader, financial news is very important but political developments are of massive importance as well. Problems of a political orientation could be wars and other event that could have great influence on the rates of stocks, currencies and commodities for example. Imagine a country in the middle east shutting down its oil supply/sales to Europe or the United States of America. This would surely affect the oil price.


Many brokers offer specific sections on their trading platforms which can give you insights in the developments on the financial markets. Besides that, there is also a wealth of content available on the internet which could assist you in making the right trading conditions.


As a trader, it is of massive importance to be informed properly about the latest financial and political developments. Not following the correct sources could lead to wrong trading decisions and therefore, it is of massive important you conduct a general investigation in which sources you deem trustworthy and which ones you should avoid. After all, power is knowledge!

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