LBC – At Your Service!

At LBC, there are several basic principles which we aim to follow. We developed these keeping you as a customer and your customer satisfaction in mind.

We have invested and will continue to invest endlessly in ensuring your user experience will be friendly and easy as possible. We have done this by creating a friendly environment, an easy accessible platform and a wealth of education which should help you on your trading journey.

Besides this, LBC has ensure you will have more than 1000 tradable assets to your availability. People remain unique individuals and therefore, also like to trade different assets. By ensuring a vast variety, each trader can choose his or her favorite asset and trade it at ease.

In addition to the above, LBC provides a variety of unique selling points. These are the points which believe that make us strong and eligible to be the most suitable broker to any client, novice or professional!

Free education to everyone

LBC believes that education should be non stop available to its traders. We have build a team of true experts which are always available via email or chat to provide you with additional knowledge and insights. They can teach you more about and endless variety of topics keeping your best interests in mind.

Zero fees and commissions.

Trade in a free world, trade without fees and commissions!

Safety and security

When you trade forex or any asset online, a deposit to trade the financial markets is a necessity. Where you as a trader fulfill your part, it is our responsibility to make sure your funds are in a safe environment and protected from any insecurity that may arise. LBC invested dearly in the security of your funds, its website and its trading environment and will continuously do so since in an ever-developing world, continues development related to this topic is just as important. We have applied the highest level of encryption technology which is used widely in the financial industry by the leading companies of its kind.

Fast Execution

A part of a joyous trading experience is fast execution. In an industry where time is money, it is of massive important you can execute your trades as fast as possible. Having our cutting-edge platform, LBC guarantees razor sharp and speedy execution.


LBC owns, just like other companies, a vision.

When establishing our organization, we kept in mind that all traders, no matter their level of experience, should feel at home with LBC. Keeping this in mind, we created a clean and professional trading environment that is not only guaranteeing a user-friendly experience but also can facilitate every aspect or need a trader might have. Whether this is very basic experience or extremely professional advice, we facilitate it!

Before LBC was established, it also became logical to us that our firm would need to be regulated by a regulator that has developed a solid framework of legislation. We chose to apply with the FSC since their ever-developing framework shows transparency and professionalism.

As a regulated broker, we are obligated to adhere to a framework of policies. We do this with pleasure since this benefits you and your overall trading experience.

Furthermore, it is our intention to build a relation of trust and transparency with you. We do this by ensuring you have all your needs covered and making sure you have always somebody available to assist you with whatever inquiry you may have to ensure your trading journey will be financially proficient while keeping our regulatory obligations in mind.

How do you start trading at LBC?

Novice investor?

Discover what LBC can offer you! We have completely designed educational packages for beginning traders!


Open your brand new trading account


Fund your account


Receive access to your training package and start learning

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Experienced trader?

All it will take is the opening and funding of your account.
Once done.


Fund your account


Begin trading

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